使者的问题 Save the Earth Lovely Pets 奇怪的天气 绿 色 西 安 城 日记

第11期(2013年5月)  4版
Lovely Pets
文章字数:1323    文章浏览数:718


Once there was a dog, he was very tired. When the dog was sleeping, the rabbit was very curious about it. She ran over to see it. The moment the dog has been found asleep, she was so happy to murmur: Well, you are sleeping. Suddenly the dog woke up and he was very angry. Scared as the rabbit, she encourages herself to say: Oh, here’s a bone for you. Hearing that, the dog is very excited, he stretches his tongue and licked the tongue at the rabbit. As quickly as she can, the rabbit ran away.


                                          五年级二班 李紫玥


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